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  1. Marieclaire
    Marieclaire says:

    Started to read Love in Catalina Cove & story would have been great but the sex was so explicit, it was disgusting! I thought this was a Christian author! I quit reading & got rid of book! Nasty!!

  2. Celeste
    Celeste says:

    I love your books! Thank so much for pouring out your imagination into them! I’ve slowly worked through almost of your books reading a few of them more than once. I’m in the midst of Ties That Bind and feel like I’ve met these characters before. Are they mentioned in any of your other books? Just curious.

  3. Kristin Bush
    Kristin Bush says:

    Will there be a book on Alisdare? Dare and Shelly’s son. I assume that’s likely reason we got an introduction to him and we’re given a little background as to his education, interests and made it clear he’s now a handsome successful adult.

    • Brenda S Jackson
      Brenda S Jackson says:

      Yes, AJ (Alisdare Jr.) book will introduce a new set of Westmorelands from the New England area of the US. Release date not known yet.

  4. Brenda Jackson
    Brenda Jackson says:

    I am selling my brendajackson.com website as I have retiree my real estate career. Was wondering if you have any interest. Kind regards

  5. Tiffany Streater
    Tiffany Streater says:

    I know you are very busy traveling and enjoying life but I’m wondering if you have time to mentor me or do a consultation with me? I love to write. I have been told by many that I should pursue writing. So any pointers?

    My admiration for you began years before I knew you were a writer. My very first professional job right out of high school was at State Farm and if I’m honest I’d never seen a African American woman in management, so for me that was a proud moment! Not only were you in management but you were so fly, well dressed and well spoken! There were others there at the time like Nina but there was just something about you!
    Then one day while I was at a friend’s house snooping around on her dresser I saw one of your books, a romance novel, it was so funny to me that this friend of mine was reading romance novels (she had like 3 of your books and books by other authors) but she was still a virgin art like 23 years old. She would escape the confounds of life into a world of fantasy through your beautiful words and I fell in love with the idea of writing…. Inspired by you!
    I already have your mobile# it’s often in family group text messages and if you are ok with it I will reach out to you, to possibly schedule some time just to get some wisdom.

    • Alex
      Alex says:

      Hello Tiffany, it so amazing I found your comment and share the same admiration for Brenda. I wanted to ask the same thing of her and was wondering by chance did she reply back to you?

    • Brenda S Jackson
      Brenda S Jackson says:

      Of course my first question is …Are we related? LOL If you already have my mobile number then chances are that we are. How? Give me a call. If you can’t get thru please leave me a message.

  6. Christi Sturdivant
    Christi Sturdivant says:

    I just wanted to thank you for being such a wonderful author and a beautiful person. I enjoy your books and look forward to reading many many more!!

  7. Sarah
    Sarah says:

    Mrs. Jackson, I’m a fan of ALL your books! I’ve read each Westmoreland story at least three times. Each series of your books are captivating , my husband had even began reading before he passed away a year ago. I’m really hoping that there will be more to the Westmoreland’s since Rico and Megan were still investigating. Praying God’s Blessings upon you and your gift.

  8. Debra
    Debra says:

    Mrs. Jackson I’ve been a fan of yours since A LITTLE DARE and I’ll continue to be a fan of yours as long as write. You never disappoint. The Westmorelands, Madaris, Montgomery, The Bennett’s just to name a few has always been a reason to not put my book down until I finished. You’re the best.

  9. Alice Smith
    Alice Smith says:

    Mrs. Jackson became hooked on your books after reading my first Westmoreland book and have been a fan every since. As I would like to complete a few of the series that I have, I’m wondering if you are going to write more about the Madaris and continue the Westmoreland series by adding their newfound relatives the Outlaws?

  10. Tooba Shah
    Tooba Shah says:

    Hi Brenda

    I’m writing from Pakistan. I’m a fan (obviously) but I am writing because I read about the shooting in your hometown of Jacksonville. I hope your family and friends are ok, it is a tragedy indeed.
    My hometown is Lahore in Pakistan and a few years ago, our entire country was plagued by terrorism. But things are much improved now. I realize that this is a difficult time so I hope my words will mean something.

    • Vivian Matthews
      Vivian Matthews says:

      Good Evening Mrs. Jackson, I was setting at my desk at work trying to figure out on what I should read next. Wait let me back up for a minute. First and foremost, I love you. I been reading your books since 2007 and I haven’t stop yet.

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