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  1. Alice Smith
    Alice Smith says:

    Love your books – the first books I read were books 1 – 5 of the Westmoreland series and I immediately bought books 6 – 15 and have read every Westmoreland books thereafter. I can’t wait to read about Bane and Bailey. I find myself drawn to your different series and was wondering will there be anymore about the Madaris family and friends. Just finished reading this series for the third time and am beside myself wondering whom Mama Laverne has setup to be married next.

    Continue to provide outstanding reading that I can’t put down and will read over and over again.

  2. Clinique Moore
    Clinique Moore says:

    You are my favorite author! Your books are well written. When the story is over, I am like “NO! Can it just be a little more to read. Every book you have written is great, I have not read one book from you that makes me not want to read again. I am so hoping your next book will tell Bane and Crystal story. I love how he is determined to go after the woman he love and not care on others thoughts about it. Please let this be your next book!

  3. Jo Ann
    Jo Ann says:

    I love escaping my life within the covers of your books! I have read everything that you have written…please continue your legacy of great work. I look forward to seeing what you bring to us in the future (I will miss your work this summer).

  4. Phae Gale
    Phae Gale says:

    Mrs. Jackson,

    As a single woman still waiting on my price charming to arrive, I find myself reading your books and wishing for a man like one of the Westmorelands, Madaris’, Grangers, or Steeles (to name a few). I have cried tears because I wish for a love like the ones written so eloquently in your books. I have been a long time fan, and will continue to support you. Thanks so much for writing stories about true Black love. I believe it really exists and my time will come.

  5. Nellie Dumas
    Nellie Dumas says:

    Hi Ms. Jackson, I’m a first time travel fan/member, Burmuda 2015. Thanks for bringing romance front and center for Black/African American women. For so long Nora Roberts, Danielle Steel and others were on the book shelves; and of course, I like many other women of color purchased their books. Ms. Jackson thanks for giving women of color our own Sheroes and Heroes. Your style of writing is in my opinion unique, fresh and alway leaves me in a complete state of euphoric splendar. I am currently re-reading the Granger Series.

  6. Paula G
    Paula G says:

    I tip my hat to you once again! The Lover Vow was a great book and a perfect ending for the Grangers. I pre-ordered in for my kindle and actually saved it as a Mother’s Day gift to myself. All day was just me and the Grangers! My day of no cooking/cleaning was a perfect day to read the book I waited a long time for!

    I also very happy to know that Bailey and Bane stories are on the way. I already purchased them for my Kindle and I going to have more “me” days…November for Bailey and December for Bane. What a way to end the year.

    • Clinique Moore
      Clinique Moore says:

      Wow. I just wrote a post saying I am ready to see these stories, where do I find this info. I am so ready to read Bane story. I want to see Bailey story as well.

  7. Jemma Stoute
    Jemma Stoute says:

    Hi Brenda,
    Love all your books. I was waiting for your next Granger book with much
    anticipation. Slight problem . The hunk on the cover is my son. Haha!!

  8. Felicia Malveaux
    Felicia Malveaux says:

    Hi Mrs. Jackson, let me start by first saying i am truly sorry for your recent lost of your husband. I am such a big and devoted fan. I have read all your series and probably all of your books. If i miss any it was not by choice just an oversight. You are indeed my favorite author and i have read a book that i didn’t love and i have fallen in love with every male person you have in your books. i imagine myself as being the woman in each of there lives. Your stories are so real and touching to me to where i can’t help but pretend i’m involved with them lol. Keep doing all the great writing and i can promise you i will continue to buy everyone of your books. Can’t wait for Bailey and Bane story. Also, i hope you will write another Granger story on the Shepard and Carson and continue touching on what’s been going on with the son’s and there wives. Thanks again for being an amazing author and please never stop doing what you do best and that’s making us all happy with your books. Well at least don’t stop anytime soon because we all do want to retire one day in our life:)



  9. Yvonne Harris
    Yvonne Harris says:

    Ms. Jackson,
    I truly enjoy reading your novels. I’m new to your work. I began reading your novels in late February of this year. Due to my chronic pain illness, I had to stop working full-time. So I decided to devote a lot of my free time to reading.
    I have read 8 of your novels that I’ve pick out from my local library. Every other week or less, I can’t wait to go to the fiction section and pick out your next book on the shelf. I love the way you format your novels with plenty of passion and the skillful element for the plot. Your characters are distinguished and individuals that are amazingly believable that I can visualize them when I read the story. I am making it my goal to get caught up on your list of novels for the rest of the summer.
    Thank you for making my reading experience such an enjoyable adventure.
    God Bless,
    Yvonne Harris
    572 Mulberry Way S
    Westerville, OH 43082

  10. Marjorie Lawson
    Marjorie Lawson says:

    Hello Ms. Brenda,

    I just finished reading A Lover’s Vow, and girl it was hot. I am truly a fan of your work. I have a lot of your books. I have all of the sequels that you have written. You put your heart and soul in your work and it shows the love you had or have for your late husbands. Continue to write those special love stories and I will continue to purchase your work.

    Thank you,

    Marjorie Lawson
    5100 Brownwood Drive
    Powder Springs, GA 30127

  11. Barbara Thigpen
    Barbara Thigpen says:

    I am deeply sorry for your husbands demise. I too, have a heavy void over me. I also lost my one true love on December 19, 2014. The world keeps moving,yet, sometimes I’m frozen within a circle of loneliness-as the bridge-it leads to nowhere. Your books and daily lessons mean a great deal to me. Thank you for reading this and I know YOU Will AlWAYS HOLD GODS’ HAND AS A COMFORT AND A STRENGTH. FOR HE IS AN AWESOME GOD. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

  12. Barbara Thigpen
    Barbara Thigpen says:

    WOW! You are GREAT!! From the beginning when you praise GOD for your gift
    to the end where I release my sigh, I fnd your books entertaining, and delightful.
    Waiting for the third “Granger” story.. Dalton is the wild card for sure!
    Keep up the excellent storytellng. I one day aspire to write also.

  13. Margie Williams
    Margie Williams says:

    Brenda: I really enjoy reading your books. When I start reading one, I do not put it down until I have finished reading it. They really put spice in my life. You are my favor Author. I have all of you books on my book shelf. Can’t wait for your next book to come out. Keep doing what you do. Thanks

  14. MaRae
    MaRae says:

    Ms. Brenda,

    I am huge fan of your books! I read my my first book by you when I was in the 10th or 11th grade and I have been hooked ever since! You are my favorite author! My bookcase is full of your books and it is continually growing. Reading your books just make me happy, because they are so amazing! I will always be a fan of yours!

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