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  1. Betty Murphy
    Betty Murphy says:

    I must say Brenda…I truly love all your books and have read some many of them…just finishing up on The Savvy Sistahs…Lol…love it. Eventually i will have caught up with most of your books that you have already out and will be waiting on the new arrivals to come out soon..Your books inspire me so much in my relationship with my fiance’ who I love so much…keep on writing and i surely will keep on reading…you need to start on making movies…especially with the Savvy Sistahs…Lol…Love you and God bless

  2. Pat Streat
    Pat Streat says:

    Mrs. Jackson I simply love all of your books. I have been retired for 2 years. While working, I didn’t have a lot of time to read for pleasure. The first book I read was Trouble Don’t Last Always. I became a fan of yours and LOVE everything you have written. The Westmoreland Series is my favorite. I can’t wait to read your next book. I love all the characters and simply love the respect the men have for women and the close family ties they have. Keep writing!!!!!!!!!!!
    (Your books are on my kindle and on my bookshelf )

  3. Shamika C.
    Shamika C. says:

    I jus finished reading “Ties That Bind.” I absolutely loved the characters. PLEASE do a sequel to this book.


    I have read Irresistible Forces and it was good. Looking forward to read your other books. Keep up the good work

  5. Stephenlene Phillip
    Stephenlene Phillip says:

    Please tell me you will be releasing a book for the characters Cohen Carlson & Deidre Lewis from your book “A Steele for Christmas”.

  6. jessi
    jessi says:

    Brenda, I just love your books! i find myself re-reading your books over and over again. Keep it up. I can never start one of your books and not complete it the same day! It keeps calling me back to it.

    • Marcia Conner
      Marcia Conner says:

      Mrs. Jackson I love all of your books, but can you please have our heroines not give in to these handsome, fine men so easily? Can’t somebody resist them for at least 6 months – 1 year? The guys need to know they can’t have every woman they want whenever they want her. I still love them, though. Also, what about older couples? Since I am now in that category, I would love to read some sizzling romances about my peer group.

      Where can I get back issues of your books? There seem to be quite a few that got by me even though I check with my local bookstore every month.

  7. rashanda kipping
    rashanda kipping says:

    Hello Mrs. Jackson I am truly a fan of yours. Years ago I came across the Madaris family and fell in love. I have just about every book you have written as well as the collaborations with other authors. My three year Olds middle name is Madaris. I love that name. Just wanted you to know you are an inspiration to me and I will continue to follow your books and website

  8. carolyn
    carolyn says:

    I just want to say I am so glad m sister got mee hooked on your books. I lovethe series and how they all go hand in hand with each other. I would like to kept up on your new releases so I can add to my collection. Are all of yourbooks available on the Nook?

    • Demetria Guient
      Demetria Guient says:

      I am a big Brenda Jackson fan. I Started reading your books when I needed to find love in my heart again to hope again and that got me through. Thanks Brenda.

    • Barbara
      Barbara says:

      I love all of her books I believe I have brought all of them will keep on buying them. She is my favorite writer. she put just enough of sex in it without it being over the top.

  9. Robin Yvette Riddick
    Robin Yvette Riddick says:

    Hey Brenda –

    Just viewed your website to see what’s going, and I came across your 2013 Cruise information. I spoke with Regina, your contact person at Carnival Cruise, about your 2013 cruise. It sounds as if you and everyone that’s going to attend will have a wonderful time. I won’t be able to attend because it’s short notice for me. However, Regina let me know that 2015 you will be giving another cruise. I plan to attend. I have my calendar mark for August to check your website to look for location and price for upcoming cruise in 2015.

    Regina was very professional and fun to talk with regarding the layout of events you will have going on with your 2013 cruise.

    Love your books.

    Best Wishes,

    Robin Yvette Riddick

  10. Carolyn
    Carolyn says:

    I’ve just recently began reading books written by you, enjoying. Just finished an older written book, Irresistible Forces. Is there another or future books regarding Dominic Saxon and Taylor Steele? I’ve read mentions of them in other “Steele titles” but nothing regarding their story after marriage. Seems their story is not finished-lol, greedy for more regarding the Steele family.

  11. Ivonne
    Ivonne says:

    Love your books. Just wish the Westmoreland men were real lol. Just missing one book unless you haven’t written it yet its the one on Brisbane Westmoreland the youngest of the Denver Westmoreland.

    • Brenda Woodbury
      Brenda Woodbury says:

      There isn’t a second book for Irresistible Forces. However, this book is part of the Steele Series that has 9 other published books. The Steele Series began in 2006. You can obtain a list of the Series and Connecting Books by looking under BOOKS on Brenda’s website. But since I maintain the list for Brenda, please feel free to email me for the list at brenda32839@yahoo.com

      Brenda Woodbury

  12. Briyanna K.
    Briyanna K. says:

    I absolutely love ALL your books. I also love how you gave us an update on some of your characters through interviews! 🙂 I would to know what those Madarises are up to! Especially Reese and Kenna 😉 You’re the best!
    Bri :))

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